
採用情報 / Recruitment

採用情報 > 採用情報 > 採用情報 / Recruitment
【事前申し込み不要】オンライン説明会実施中。/【No Prior Registration Required】Online Information Sessions Ongoing. more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category オンライン説明会の実施について
Information on conducting online information sessions
オンライン説明会 開催中です! どなたでも参加していただけるWEB会社説明会を実施しております。
We are hosting an online company briefing open to everyone.
Please join us at the following URL at the scheduled time.

※New graduates will be informed again about the information sessions in Mynavi 2025.
 Information sessions will be held "from March onwards", so please join us via "mynavi".



・3/5(水) 17:00-18:00
・3/11(火) 17:00-18:00
・3/19(水) 17:00-18:00

↓Please click the link below to join the briefing session↓
ご注意 : Note 下記「ENTRY」は予約用フォームではございません。クリックしないようにしてください。
Please note that the 'ENTRY' below is not a reservation form. Do not click on it.


全支店 / 未経験者歓迎 / ランプサービス ※入社時点では英語スキルを必須としていません more
求人カテゴリー キャリア採用エントリー
給与情報 180,000円~300,000円
雇用形態 正社員
仕事の内容 ・航空機への手荷物や貨物の搭降載。





募集要項 ■魅力







応募資格 ■未経験の方、共通



勤務時間 0:00~24:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
休日・休暇 年間休日107日、月8日以上
昇給・賞与 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
手当 通勤手当、時間外手当、職務従事手当、クリーニング手当
交通費 月額50,000円を上限として支給
社会保険 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
福利厚生 制服貸与、受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
選考の流れ 書類選考

面接 ※面接日までに適性検査を受けてください。

勤務地 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府), 福岡空港(福岡県), 那覇空港(那覇県)


全支店 / ランプサービス課 Duty Manager(ポテンシャル)/ All Stations / Ramp Service Section Duty Manager (Potential) more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員(管理監督者)
Full-time Employee (Supervisor)
仕事の内容 / Job Description ・指定された担当エリアにおいて、作戦当日に影響を及ぼすすべての要素を調整する責任を負う。
Responsible for coordinating all elements affecting the day of operation in the assigned area of responsibility.

Conduct daily briefings for team leaders.

Ensure smooth communication with the Operations Control Center to manage operational difficulties before they occur.

Conduct regular team discussions with branch managers and business line leaders to identify areas for improvement.

Frontline presence in the operations area.

Oversee activities to ensure occupational safety, health, and environmental protection within the scope of responsibility.

Initiate an investigation into a fraud, incident, or complaint in accordance with our standard reporting requirements.

Manage and contribute to change in the operational environment.

Ensure that available resources are being used at optimal levels (monitor and control overtime payments within target budgets).

Manage and follow up on staff attendance and discharges.

Small branch to be the sole point of contact for emergencies and unusual situations and to coordinate remedial measures throughout the business line.

Small branch, responsible for a portfolio of business lines/customers and serves as a single point of contact during a shift.

Medium and large branches are responsible for escalating any customer issues to the Business Line Leader/Branch Manager.

Medium and large-sized branches will receive support from the Operations Control Center to ensure accurate allocation on the day of the event.
このポジションの魅力&売り / Attractiveness of this Position ・新しい組織体制で、活躍の場が広がる。
The new organizational structure expands the field of activity.

Gain management experience while working on the front lines.

This is an ideal position for those who want to become or are about to become managers.
応募資格(経験・資格等)/ Qualifications (Experience, Qualifications, Etc.) ■必須

At least 5 years of experience in the airline industry (ground handling, passenger handling, airlines, air cargo, etc.)

Experience as a team leader

Regular driver's license (AT limited)

Flexibility, open mindset

High communication skills

・リーダーシップ / 判断力
Leadership / Judgment

Self-management skills

Innovative thinking

Logical thinking skills

Basic PC skills, office software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, outlook, Teams)

English: communicative or business level

・日本語:ネイティブもしくはJLPT N1かN2
Japanese: Native Japanese or JLPT N1 or N2

※Correspondence with airlines (email, phone, verbal, meetings), handling audits, interacting with passengers


KPI and performance management experience

People management and performance appraisal experience

Managerial and supervisory experience

Strategic thinking skills

English: Fluent

■About Potential Recruitment

Experience in a managerial or supervisory capacity is not required.

If hired, a probationary period will be provided for the first six months of employment as a candidate for management positions.

After the probationary period, performance will be re-evaluated and a review of compensation will be conducted.
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~24:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 0:00 and 24:00. 4 to 12 hours of actual work
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 年間休日107日、月8日以上
107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month
Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (Wedding or Funeralleave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
交通費・各種手当 / Transportation and Various Allowances 交通費:月額50,000円を上限として支給
Transportation expenses: Up to 50,000 yen per month
Allowance: commuting allowance, overtime allowance
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生・研修 / Benefits and Training 受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
Airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.
Management training available
選考の流れ / Selection Process ①書類選考
Document Screening

First Interview(online available)

Reference Check

Final Interview (face-to-face)

Unofficial Offer (esp. job offer)
備考・その他 / Remarks・Others ■面接交通費:支給あり(規定に基づく)
Interview transportation expenses: Provided (based on regulations)
Reference check: Yes
Aptitude test: Yes
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府), 福岡空港(福岡県), 那覇空港(那覇県)
Narita International Airport (Chiba Prefecture), Haneda Airport (Tokyo), Chubu International Airport (Aichi Prefecture), Kansai International Airport (Osaka), Fukuoka Airport (Fukuoka), Naha Airport (Naha)


全支店 / ランプサービス課 Duty Manager / All Stations / Ramp Service Section Duty Manager more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員(管理監督者)
Full-time Employee (Supervisor)
仕事の内容 / Job Description ▪指定された責任範囲内で、当日の業務に影響するすべての要因を調整する責任を負います。
Responsible for coordinating all factors affecting the day's work within the designated area of responsibility.

Perform daily briefings to team leaders

Ensure smooth communication with OCC to proactively manage operational issues.

Conduct regular team discussions with position managers and business line leaders to identify areas for improvement.

Presence on the job site.

Supervise to ensure work safety, health and environmental protection within the scope of work.

Initiates investigations of unusual incidents, accidents, and complaints in accordance with established reporting requirements

Manage and contribute to changes in the business environment.

Ensure that available resources are used at optimal levels (monitor and control overtime costs within budget).

Supervise/control and follow up on staff attendance and absences.

Smaller stations serve as the sole point of contact for coordinating corrective actions across business lines.

Smaller stations are responsible as a single point of contact for the business line/customer portfolio during the shift.

Responsible for escalating customer issues to the Business Line Leader/Branch Manager in medium and large branches.

Medium and large branches will enlist the support of the OCC to ensure that the day's assignments are accurate.
このポジションの魅力&売り / Attractiveness of this position 新しい組織体制により、会社で積極的な役割を果たすことができます。
The new organizational structure allows you to take an active role in the company.
And you can gain management experience while working on the front line.
応募資格(経験・資格等)/ Qualifications (experience, qualifications, etc.) ■必須

At least 5 years of airport ground handling experience

Ability to manage personnel and evaluate performance

Supervisory experience.

Regular driver's license (AT limited)

Flexibility/open mindset

Good communication skills

Leadership/Decision-making skills

Self-management ability

research capabilities

The ability to think rationally

Basic PC and office software skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams)

English: communicative or business level

・日本語:ネイティブまたはJLPT N1またはN2
Japanese: Native or JLPT N1 or N2

It relates to communication with airlines (email, verbal), airline audits, and conversations with passengers.


・KPI(重要業績指標) / パフォーマンス管理
KPI (Key Performance Indicators) / Performance Management

Hospitality related work experience

Strategic Skills

English: fluent conversational level

・グランドハンドリング会社でManagerやDuty Managerとして働いた経験がある。
He has worked as a Manager or Duty Manager in a ground handling company.

Airline REP experience

Shift work is available.
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~24:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 0:00 and 24:00. 4 to 12 hours of actual work
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 年間休日107日、月8日以上
107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month
Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (Wedding or Funeral leave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
交通費・各種手当 / Transportation and Various Allowances 交通費:月額50,000円を上限として支給
Transportation expenses: Up to 50,000 yen per month
Allowance: commuting allowance, overtime allowance
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生・研修 / Benefits and Training 受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
Airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.
Management training available
選考の流れ / Selection Process ①書類選考
Document Screening

First interview (Online available)

Reference Check

Final interview (face-to-face)

Unofficial offer (esp. job offer)
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府), 福岡空港(福岡県), 那覇空港(那覇県)
Narita International Airport (Chiba Prefecture), Haneda Airport (Tokyo), Chubu International Airport (Aichi Prefecture), Kansai International Airport (Osaka), Fukuoka Airport (Fukuoka), Naha Airport (Naha)
備考・その他 / Remarks・Others ■面接交通費:支給あり(規定に基づく)
Interview transportation expenses: Provided (based on regulations)
Reference check: Yes
Aptitude test: Yes


全支店 / 旅客サービス課 Duty Manager / All Stations / Passenger Service Division Duty Manager more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員(管理監督者)
Full-time Employee (Supervisor)
仕事の内容 / Job Description ▪指定された責任範囲内で、当日の業務に影響するすべての要因を調整する責任を負います。
Responsible for coordinating all factors affecting the day's operations within the designated area of responsibility.

Perform daily briefings to team leaders

Ensure smooth communication with OCC to proactively manage operational issues.

Conduct regular team discussions with position managers and business line leaders to identify areas for improvement.

Presence on the job site.

Supervise to ensure work safety, health and environmental protection within the scope of work.

Initiate investigations of unusual incidents, accidents, and complaints in accordance with established reporting requirements.

Manage and contribute to changes in the business environment.

Ensure that available resources are used at optimal levels (monitor and control overtime costs within budget).

Supervise/control and follow up on staff attendance and absences.

Smaller branches serve as the sole point of contact for coordinating corrective actions across business lines.

Smaller stations are responsible as a single point of contact for the business line/customer portfolio during the shift.

Responsible for escalating customer issues to the Business Line Leader/Branch Manager in medium and large stations.

Medium and large stations will enlist the support of the OCC to ensure that the day's assignments are accurate.
このポジションの魅力&売り / Attractiveness of this Position 新しい組織体制により、会社で積極的な役割を果たすことができます。
The new organizational structure allows you to take an active role in the company.
And you can gain management experience while working on the front line.
応募資格(経験・資格等)/ Qualifications (Experience, Qualifications, Etc.) ■必須

At least 5 years of experience in airport counter operations

Ability to manage personnel and evaluate performance

Supervisory experience.

Regular driver's license (AT limited)

Flexibility/open mindset

Good communication skills

Leadership/Decision-making skills

Self-management ability

research capabilities

The ability to think logically

Basic PC and office software skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams)

English: communicative or business level

・日本語:ネイティブまたはJLPT N1またはN2
Japanese: Native or JLPT N1 or N2

It relates to communication with airlines (email, verbal), airline audits, and conversations with passengers.


・KPI(重要業績指標) / パフォーマンス管理
KPI (Key Performance Indicators) / Performance Management

Hospitality related work experience

Strategic Skills

English: fluent conversational level

・グランドハンドリング会社でManagerやDuty Managerとして働いた経験がある。
Experience working as a Manager or Duty Manager in a ground handling company

Experienced with airline REPs.

Shift work is available.
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~24:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 0:00 and 24:00. 4 to 12 hours of actual work
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 年間休日107日、月8日以上
107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month
Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (congratulation or condolence leave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
交通費・各種手当 / Transportation and Various Allowances 交通費:月額50,000円を上限として支給
Transportation expenses: Up to 50,000 yen per month
Allowance: commuting allowance, overtime allowance
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生・研修 / Benefits and Training 受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
Airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.
Management training available
選考の流れ / Selection Process ①書類選考
Document Screening

First Interview(online available)

Reference Check

Final interview (face-to-face)

Unofficial Offer (esp. job offer)
備考・その他 / Remarks・Others ■面接交通費:支給あり(規定に基づく)
Interview transportation expenses: Provided (based on regulations)

Reference check: Yes

Aptitude test: Yes
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府), 福岡空港(福岡県), 那覇空港(那覇県)
Narita International Airport (Chiba Prefecture), Haneda Airport (Tokyo), Chubu International Airport (Aichi Prefecture), Kansai International Airport (Osaka), Fukuoka Airport (Fukuoka), Naha Airport (Naha)


全支店 / 旅客サービス課 Duty Manager(ポテンシャル)/ All Stations / Passenger Service Division Duty Manager (Potential) more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員(管理監督者)
Full-time Employee (Supervisor)
仕事の内容 / Job Description ・指定された担当エリアにおいて、作戦当日に影響を及ぼすすべての要素を調整する責任を負う。
Responsible for coordinating all elements affecting the day of operation in the assigned area of responsibility.

Perform daily briefings to team leaders.

Ensure smooth communication with the Operations Control Center to manage operational difficulties before they occur.

Conduct regular team discussions with branch managers and business line leaders to identify areas for improvement.

Frontline presence in the operations area.

Oversee activities to ensure occupational safety, health, and environmental protection within the scope of responsibility.

Initiate an investigation into a fraud, incident, or complaint in accordance with our standard reporting requirements.

Manage and contribute to change in the operational environment.

Ensure that available resources are being used at optimal levels (monitor and control overtime payments within target budgets).

Manage and follow up on staff attendance and discharges.

Small branch to serve as the sole point of contact in the event of an emergency or unusual situation and to coordinate remedial measures throughout the business line.

Small station, responsible for a portfolio of business lines/customers and serves as a single point of contact during a shift.

Medium and large stations are responsible for escalating any customer issues to the Business Line Leader/Branch Manager.

Medium and large-sized stations will receive support from the Operations Control Center to ensure accurate allocation on the day of the event.
このポジションの魅力&売り / Appeal of this Position ・新しい組織体制で、活躍の場が広がる。
The new organizational structure expands the field of activity.

Gain management experience while working on the front lines

This is an ideal position for those who want to become or are about to become managers.
応募資格(経験・資格等)/ Qualifications (Experience, Qualifications, Etc.) ■必須

At least 5 years of experience in the airline industry (ground handling, passenger handling, airlines, air cargo, etc.)

Team leadership experience

Regular driver's license (AT limited)

Flexibility, open mindset

High communication skills

・リーダーシップ / 判断力
Leadership / Judgment

Self-management skills

Innovative thinking

Logical thinking skills

Basic PC skills, office software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, outlook, Teams)

English: communicative or business level

・日本語:ネイティブもしくはJLPT N1かN2
Japanese: Native or JLPT N1 or N2

Correspondence with airlines (email, phone, verbal, meetings), handling audits, interacting with passengers


KPI and performance management experience

People management and performance appraisal experience

Managerial and supervisory experience

strategic thinking skills

English: Fluent

■About Potential Recruitment

Experience in a managerial or supervisory capacity is not required.

If hired, a probationary period will be provided for the first six months of employment as a candidate for management positions.

After the probationary period, performance will be re-evaluated and a review of compensation will be conducted.
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~24:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 0:00 and 24:00. 4 to 12 hours of actual work
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 年間休日107日、月8日以上
107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month
Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (Wedding or Funeralleave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
交通費・各種手当 / Transportation and Various Allowances 交通費:月額50,000円を上限として支給
Transportation expenses: Up to 50,000 yen per month
Allowance: commuting allowance, overtime allowance
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生・研修 / Benefits and Training 受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
Airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.
Management training available
選考の流れ / Selection Process ①書類選考
Document Screening

First Interview(online available)

Reference Check

Final Interview (face-to-face)

Unofficial Offer (esp. job offer)
備考・その他 / Remarks・Others ■面接交通費:支給あり(規定に基づく)
Interview transportation expenses: Provided (based on regulations)

Reference check: Yes

Aptitude test: Yes
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府), 福岡空港(福岡県), 那覇空港(那覇県)
Narita International Airport (Chiba Prefecture), Haneda Airport (Tokyo), Chubu International Airport (Aichi Prefecture), Kansai International Airport (Osaka), Fukuoka Airport (Fukuoka), Naha Airport (Naha)


成田国際空港・中部国際空港・関西国際空港 各支店 / カーゴサービス課 Duty Manager / Narita International Airport・Chubu International Airport・ Kansai International Airport stations / Cargo Service Section Duty Manager more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
仕事の内容 / Job Description ▪指定された責任範囲内で、当日の業務に影響するすべての要因を調整する責任を負います。
Responsible for coordinating all factors affecting the day's work within the designated area of responsibility.

Perform daily briefings to team leaders

Ensure smooth communication with OCC to proactively manage operational issues.

Conduct regular team discussions with position managers and business line leaders to identify areas for improvement.

Presence on the job site.

Supervise to ensure work safety, health and environmental protection within the scope of work.

Initiate investigations of unusual incidents, accidents, and complaints in accordance with established reporting requirements.

Manage and contribute to changes in the business environment.

Ensure that available resources are used at optimal levels (monitor and control overtime costs within budget).

Supervise/control and follow up on staff attendance and absences.

Smaller stations serve as the sole point of contact for coordinating corrective actions across business lines.

Smaller stations are responsible as a single point of contact for the business line/customer portfolio during the shift.

Responsible for escalating customer issues to the Business Line Leader/Branch Manager in medium and large stations.

Medium and large stations will enlist the support of the OCC to ensure that the day's assignments are accurate.
このポジションの魅力&売り / Attractiveness of this Position 新しい組織体制により、会社で積極的な役割を果たすことができます。
Our new organizational structure allows you to take an active role in the company.
And you can gain management experience while working on the front lines.
応募資格(経験・資格等)/ Qualifications (Experience, Qualifications, Etc.) ■必須

At least 5 years of experience in cargo company operations

Ability to manage personnel and evaluate performance

Supervisory experience.

Regular driver's license (AT limited)

Flexibility/open mindset

Good communication skills

Leadership/Decision-making skills

Self-management ability

research capabilities

The ability to think rationally

Basic PC and office software skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams)

English: communicative or business level

・日本語:ネイティブまたはJLPT N1またはN2
Japanese: Native or JLPT N1 or N2

It relates to communication with airlines (email, verbal), airline audits, and conversations with passengers.


・KPI(重要業績指標) / パフォーマンス管理
KPI (Key Performance Indicators) / Performance Management

Strategic Skills

English: fluent conversational level

・グランドハンドリング会社でManagerやDuty Managerとして働いた経験がある。
Experience working as a Manager or Duty Manager in a ground handling company

Shift work is available.
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~24:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 0:00 and 24:00. 4 to 12 hours of actual work
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 年間休日107日、月8日以上
107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month
Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (Wedding or Funeralleave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
交通費・各種手当 / Transportation and Various Allowances 月額50,000円を上限に支給

Up to 50,000 yen per month
*Car commuting is allowed.
Allowance: commuting allowance, overtime allowance, duty allowance, cleaning allowance
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生・研修 / Benefits and Training 受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
Airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.
Management training available
選考の流れ / Selection Process ①書類選考
Document Screening

First Interview (online available)

Reference Check

Final Interview (face-to-face)

Unofficial Offer (esp. job offer)
備考・その他 / Remarks・Others ■面接交通費:支給あり(規定に基づく)
Interview transportation expenses: Provided (based on regulations)

Reference check: Yes

Aptitude test: Yes
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府), 福岡空港(福岡県), 那覇空港(那覇県)
Narita International Airport (Chiba Prefecture), Haneda Airport (Tokyo), Chubu International Airport (Aichi Prefecture), Kansai International Airport (Osaka), Fukuoka Airport (Fukuoka), Naha Airport (Naha)


全支店 / 未経験者歓迎 / 旅客サービス / All Stations / No Experience Required / Passenger Service more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 180,000円~300,000円
※Depends on experience and skills
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
仕事の内容 / Job Description 飛行機到着から出発までの旅客サービスのすべてを担当。
Responsible for all passenger services from airplane arrival to departure.

At the check-in counter, we check in passengers, check their travel documents and luggage, explain how to receive them at the arrival airport, and guide them through boarding and arrival gates in a flexible manner according to the services provided by each airline company.

Receiving check-in at the airline counter

Checking travel documents

Explanation of how to receive your documents at the airport of arrival

VIP support and wheelchair support

One to two airlines to be handled by each person (assignment will be determined by the responsible person)

※Skills and experience will be considered.
募集要項 / Application Guidelines ■応募資格
■Application Requirements

English skill (Business Level)


At least 5 years of experience in passenger service (international flights
Experience in Flight Control
FSC handling experience
Team leader experience

■Place of Assignment
Narita, Haneda, Chubu, Kansai, Fukuoka, or Naha.

※Will be decided in consideration of your preferred work location, residence, and other factors.
※Depending on your preferred work location and residence, it may take some time for the selection process.
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~24:00(1日の勤務時間はシフトによる) / (daily working hours depends on shift)
Variable working hours per month, ranging from 4 to 12 hours per day
Overtime: 20 to 30 hours per month
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 休日はシフトによる。年間公休日107日
Holidays are based on shifts. Annual public holidays: 107 day
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 業績と個人考課による。
Depends on performance and personal evaluation.
手当 / Allowance 住宅手当、早朝手当、クリーニング手当、地域手当等.
Housing allowance, early morning allowance, cleaning allowance, regional allowance, etc.
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 完備
Fully Equipped
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与
Uniform Rental

Company Housing Rental System

Benefit One

Various Training Programs
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening

※Please take a web test before the interview date.

Offers ・ Recruitment
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府), 福岡空港(福岡県), 那覇空港(沖縄県)
Narita International Airport (Chiba Prefecture), Haneda Airport (Tokyo), Chubu International Airport (Aichi Prefecture), Kansai International Airport (Osaka), Fukuoka Airport (Fukuoka Prefecture), Naha Airport (Okinawa Prefecture)
*Fukuoka Airport is only for experienced staff.


全支店 / 未経験者可・経験者歓迎/ オペレーションサービス / All Stations / Inexperienced ・ Experienced Staff / Operation Service more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 【成田国際空港支店・中部国際空港支店・関西国際空港支店】


雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
仕事の内容 / Job Description ・ロードコントロール業務(ウェイト & バランスやロードプラン作成などを含む)
Load Control (including weight & balance, load planning, etc.)

Operations control (spot coordination with airport companies,
arrival/departure operations, communication with related companies, and receipt/transfer of operation-related documents).

Reporting and handling of operational status and irregularities to the manager

Maintain and update internal and customer manuals and documents

Other duties in accordance with the manuals and operational policies of Swissport.
募集要項 / Application Guidelines ■応募資格
■Application Requirements


English Language Skill (Criterion: TOEIC score of 600 or above)


At least 1 year of experience in load control or operational support operations
Regular driver's license (may be required depending on the location)

*Students are not eligible

■Ideal Candidte

People who have a strong sense of responsibility for the work.
Who are able to work accurately and safely within a limited time frame.
Who are able to communicate smoothly with all related parties.

■Place of Assignment

Narita, Haneda, Chubu, Kansai, Fukuoka, or Naha.

※Decisions will be made in consideration of your preferred work location, residence, and other factors.
※Selection may take some time depending on your preferred work location and residence.
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~24:00(1日の勤務時間はシフトによる/daily working hours depend on shift)
Variable working hours per month, ranging from 4 to 12 hours per day
Overtime: 20 to 30 hours per month
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 休日はシフトによる。
Holidays are based on shifts.

107 days of annual public holidays.
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 業績と個人考課による。
Depends on performance and personal evaluation.
手当 / Allowance 住宅手当、早朝手当、クリーニング手当、地域手当等
Housing allowance, early morning allowance, cleaning allowance, regional allowance, etc.
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 完備
Fully Equipped
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与
Uniform Rental

Company Housing Rental System

Benefit One

Various Training Programs
選考の流れ 書類選考
Document Screening

※Please take a web test before the interview date.

勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府), 福岡空港(福岡県), 那覇空港(沖縄県)
Narita International Airport (Chiba Prefecture), Haneda Airport (Tokyo), Chubu International Airport (Aichi Prefecture), Kansai International Airport (Osaka), Fukuoka Airport (Fukuoka Prefecture), Naha Airport (Okinawa Prefecture)


成田国際空港・中部国際空港・関西国際空港/カーゴサービス (航空貨物取扱スタッフ)/ Narita International Airport ・ Central Japan International Airport ・ Kansai International Airport / Cargo Service (Air Cargo Handling Staff) more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 180,000円~300,000円
※Depends on experience and skills
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
募集要項 / Application Guidelines ■職務内容

Supervise team members to ensure smooth day-to-day operations.
Assesses team members' abilities and proficiency to improve team efficiency.
Assesses the status of the team as a whole and recommends areas for improvement and goals for further improvement.
To deal with and report unforeseen situations from an objective perspective
Trouble-shooting and handling of irregularities
Maintains safety and quality standards.
Assists the Supervisor with flight management and documentation.
Report any irregularities to supervisor and take appropriate action.
Maintain good relationships with customers and other stakeholders.

■Job Description

Cargo build-up (loading)
Loading and unloading trucks
Breakdown of imported ULDs
Cargo lay-away (delivery of cargo from the company to other companies or agents)
Mail delivery (to airport post office)

■Attraction・ Appealing Point

The environment allows you to do what you want to do.
Able to work as a team, not as an individual (worker), making use of skills and experience.
Dynamic work (site control, etc.) is possible.
Experience not only fixed work, but also shed work in general. (e.g., airplane size, from small aircraft to jumbo class)
Opportunities for growth in efficiency and speed.
Possible to become a supervisor as a leader candidate.
Even if you have no experience in air cargo, you will be trained by senior employees and trainers.

■Example of Career Paths

Main Position → Supervisor → Manager in charge → Section Manager
Main Position → Trainer
Main Position → Office Operations
応募資格 / Application Requirements ■業務経験
■Business Experience

No experience in air cargo.

More than 2 years in logistics or warehousing related business.
Experience in loading and unloading trucks.
Experience in time-pressure situations (truck volume, etc.)

Experience in air cargo (2 years or more in the industry)

Experience in building up ULD's for loading on the lower deck of passenger aircraft.
At least 2 years of industry experience
Towing experience. (Transporting to shipside, weighing ULDs, connecting dollies)
Experience in time pressure situations (truckloads, etc.)

■Licenses, Etc.

【必須 / Required】
・普通自動車免許 / Regular driver's license

【歓迎 / Welcome】
・フォークリフト(2トン以上)/ Forklift truck (2 tons or more)
・牽引 / Towing



・コミュニケーション能力 / Communication skills

【Welcome ・ Experienced】

・リーダーシップ能力 / Leadership skills
・チームビルディング能力 / Team building skill
・ジャンボクラスのビルドアップ能力 / Jumbo class build-up ability


【 Required】

Capable of communicating, reading and writing in Japanese


Can communicate in English

■Ideal Candidate

People who are able to work with a sense of responsibility
People who can work proactively
People who can exercise leadership
People who have experience in the field
People who have experience in team building
Flexible people (needs to perform various tasks)       
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~23 : 59
(1日の勤務時間はシフトによる / daily working hours depend on the shift)
Variable working hours per month, ranging from 4 to 12 hours per day
Overtime: 20 to 30 hours per month
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Day Off 休日はシフトによる。
Holidays are based on shifts.
Annual public holidays: 107 days
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 業績と個人考課により決定。
Determined by performance and personal evaluation.
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当、職務従事手当、クリーニング手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance, duty allowance, cleaning allowance
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 通勤手当※車通勤可
Commuting allowance
*Car commuting is allowed

(上限 / Maximum)
50,000 yen
社会保険 / Social Insurance 完備
Fully equipped
福利厚生 / Benefits 借上社宅制度 / Company Housing Rental
You can live in a rental property for around 20,000 yen out-of-pocket.)

Benefit One (various discount services)

各種研修 / Various Training Programs
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening

※Please take an aptitude test before the interview date.

Offer of employment
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 中部国際空港(愛知県) ,関西国際空港(大阪府)
Narita International Airport (Chiba), Chubu International Airport (Aichi), Kansai International Airport (Osaka)


中部国際空港・関西国際空港/カーゴサービス (オフィス業務スタッフ)/ Central Japan International Airport・Kansai International Airport / Cargo Service (Office Operations Staff) more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 180,000円~300,000円
※Depends on experience and skills
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
募集要項 / Application Guidelines ■職務内容

Import/export processing and document management on airline company systems
Input data into a dedicated terminal
Responds to incoming e-mails and phone calls.
Coordination with other staff
Bonded baggage management
Other general administrative procedures

■Career Path Examples

Main Position → Supervisor → Manager in charge → Section manager
Main Position → Cargo Shed Operations
応募資格 / Application Requirements ■能力

・基本的なPCスキル(Excel, Word)
Basic PC skills (Excel, Word)
Ability to exchange e-mails in English
Communication skills


Ability to communicate, read and write in Japanese
English communication skills with a basic level of greetings
【歓迎 / Welcome】
Ability to communicate fluently in English
Ability to communicate fluently in Chinese.

■Ideal Candidate

People with a sense of responsibility
Proactive people
People who can work in a team environment.  
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~23 : 59(1日の勤務時間はシフトによる/daily working hours depend on the shift)
Variable working hours per month, ranging from 4 to 12 hours per day
Overtime: 20 to 30 hours per month
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Day Off 休日はシフトによる。
Holidays are based on shifts.
Annual public holidays: 107 days
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 業績と個人考課により決定。
Determined by performance and personal evaluation.
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当、職務従事手当、クリーニング手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance, duty allowance, cleaning allowance
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 通勤手当※車通勤可
Commuting allowance
※Car commuting is allowed

(上限 / Maximum)
50,000 yen
社会保険 / Social Insurance 完備
fully equipped
福利厚生 / Benefits 借上社宅制度(自己負担額2万円前後で賃貸物件に住めます。)
Company housing rental system (You can live in a rental property for around 20,000 yen out-of-pocket.)
Benefit One (various discount services)
各種研修 / Various Training Programs
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening

※Please take an aptitude test before the interview date.

Offer of employment
勤務地 / Duty Station 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府)
Central Japan International Airport (Aichi), Kansai International Airport (Osaka)


成田国際空港/ラウンジサービス・フロアスタッフ / Narita International Airport / Lounge Service ・ Floor Staff more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 182,000円~302,000円
※Determined based on experience and skills
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
仕事の内容 / Job Description ・来客対応(受付・案内・飲食提供等)
Customer service (Reception, Information, Serving Food and Beverages, etc.)

Maintenance and improvement of safety and quality standards

Other general duties related to the Lounge Service Section
募集要項 / Application Guidelines ■魅力

The lounge is a newly established department, so we can build up the organization by ourselves.

The lounge targets high-class customers, so you can improve your customer service skills.

■Ideal Candidate

A person who has a strong desire to improve his/her own abilities.

High level of hospitality.
応募資格 / Application Requirements <必須>

At least 1 year of experience in either of the following (reception, information, or accounting only is not acceptable)

Food and beverage serving duties in a hotel
Floor work in a restaurant

High level of communication skills

High level of communication skills.

High level of English ability (equivalent to TOEIC score of 600 or above)

<歓迎 / Welcome>
Experience working in an airport lounge for more than 1 year.

The following certifications are required

Food Safety Manager
Food Safety Supervisor
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港支店
Narita International Airport Branch
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 7:00~22:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 7:00-22:00. 4 to 12 hours of actual work
休日・休暇 / Holiday ・ Day Off 年間休日107日、月8日以上
107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month

Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (congratulation or condolence leave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当、職務従事手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance, and duty allowance
交通費 / Transporation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
Uniform rental, airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.

Company housing for rent is available.

Available dormitory for single employees (dormitory fee is deducted from monthly salary, about 24,000 yen/month depending on the dormitory)
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening

Web Test (Japanese, Arithmetic, English, Aptitude test)


Offer of employment


成田国際空港/ラウンジサービス・キッチンスタッフ / Narita International Airport / Lounge Service ・ Kitchen Staff more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 182,000円~302,000円

※Determined based on experience and skills
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
仕事の内容 / Job Description 【メイン業務】
【Main Duties】

Preparation of food and beverages to be served in the lounge

Food and beverage inventory control

Maintain and improve QHSE (Quality, Hygiene and Safety) standards

Maintain and improve quality, health and safety standards (QHSE)

Cleaning of the lounge

Other general duties related to the lounge service section

※Depending on the shift and the number of visitors, the following duties may also be required.

Reception, information, serving food and beverages, cleaning, etc.

Customer service
募集要項 / Application Guidelines ■魅力

The lounge is a newly established department, so we can build up the organization by ourselves.

The lounge is aimed at high-class clientele, so it is possible to improve customer service skills.

■Ideal Candidate

A person who has a strong desire to improve his or her own abilities.

High level of hospitality

High awareness of hygiene management
応募資格 / Application Requirements <必須>

At least 1 year of experience in a hotel, restaurant or other kitchen environment
(Reception, information, accounting only is not acceptable)

Good communication skills


Ability to multi-task


At least 2 years of experience working in an airport lounge kitchen
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港支店
Narita International Airport Branch
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 7:00~22:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 7:00-22:00. 4 to 12 hours of actual work
休日・休暇 / Holiday ・ Day Off 年間休日107日、月8日以上

107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month
Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (wedding or funeralleave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当、職務従事手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance, and duty allowance
交通費 / Transporation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など

Uniform rental, airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.
Company housing for rent is available.
Dormitory for single employees available (dormitory fee is deducted from monthly salary, about 24,000 yen/month depending on the dormitory)
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening

Web test (Japanese, Arithmetic, Aptitude test)


Offer of employment


成田国際空港/ラウンジサービス・バーテンダー Narita International Airport / Lounge Service・ Bartender more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Recruiting Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 182,000円~302,000円※経験・スキルを考慮して決定
182,000 - 302,000 yen *Determined based on experience and skills
仕事の内容 / Job Description 【メイン業務】[Main Duities]
Serve beverages and snacks at the bar in the lounge
Maintains food and beverage inventory.
Cleaning of dishes and utensils
Maintain and improve QHSE (Quality, Hygiene and Safety) standards
Cleaning of the lounge
Other duties related to the lounge service section in general.

Depending on the shift and the number of visitors, the following duties may also be required.
Reception, information, serving food and beverages, cleaning, etc
Customer service
募集要項 / Application Guidelines ■魅力
The lounge is a newly established department, so we can build up the organization by ourselves.
The lounge targets high-class customers, so you can improve your customer service skills.

■求める人材/Personnel we are looking for:
A person who has a strong desire to improve his/her own abilities.
High level of hospitality
High awareness of hygiene management
応募資格 / Application Requirements <必須/Required>
Bartender with at least 1 year of bartending experience (regardless of employment status).
(Reception, information and accounting only are not acceptable)

High level of communication skills.
Must be able to multitask.

English ability (daily conversational level) is required.
* Used for customer service.
Various qualifications/Certificates that are related to bartending work.
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港支店
Narita International Airport
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 7:00~22:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 7:00-22:00.
4 to 12 hours of actual work
休日・休暇 / Holidays and Vacations 年間休日107日、月8日以上
107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month
Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (congratulation or condolence leave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary increase and bonus 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当、職務従事手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance, and duty allowance
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
Uniform rental, airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.
Company housing for rent is available.
Dormitory for single employees available (dormitory fee is deducted from monthly salary, about 24,000 yen/month depending on the dormitory)
選考の流れ / Selection process 書類選考
Document Screening

Web Test (Japanese, Math, English, Aptitude Test


Job offer


成田国際空港・羽田空港・中部国際空港・関西国際空港 /航空機整備スタッフ / Narita International Airport・Haneda Airport・Central Japan International Airport・Kansai International Airport / Aircraft Maintenance Staff more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 255,000円~350,000円
The company pays 70% of the rent through a rented company housing system.
 There is an upper limit, but depending on conditions, the annual benefit can be as much as 500,000 yen.

Licensors can be consulted separately regardless of the above amounts.
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
仕事の内容 / Job Description 航空機整備補助業務

Aircraft Maintenance Assistance Services
■Aircraft arrival
FOD confirmation, headset operations, work start safety confirmation and instructions, aircraft external inspection, engine oil service
■Aircraft departure
Aircraft exterior inspection, headset duties, GSE safety check
■Trouble shooting by engineer's instruction
■Aircraft fueling support
この仕事の魅力 / Appeal of this Job スイスポートジャパンの航空機整備士として、様々な航空会社の機体を扱うことができます。

As an aircraft mechanic at Swissport Japan, you will be able to work on aircraft of various airlines.
In the future, the office will also function as a repair station and be responsible for release operations. (At present, we do not provide release services.)
応募資格 / Application Requirements 【必須】
Candidates with experience in aircraft maintenance or graduates from aviation vocational schools (no experience required)

Persons holding a Japanese driver's license for passenger cars.

Daily conversational level of Japanese (N2 or higher is recommended)

English proficiency, TOEIC score of 500 or above (required for communication with the captain, overseas and mechanics)

Good communication and time management skills


At least 2 years of experience in aircraft release operations (checking maintenance work) for Airbus A320 or Boeing 737 aircraft.

Experience in releasing other aircraft models

Persons holding aeronautical maintenance technician certificate issued by the government.

【Ideal Candidate】
Self-starter, ability to take initiative, good communicator
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) Hours 0:00~24:00の間のシフト制。実働4~12時間
Shifts between 0:00 and 24:00. 4 to 12 hours of actual work

Narita International Airport Branch does not have flights from 0:00 to 6:00, which is also reflected on shift hours.
休日・休暇 / Holiday ・ Day Off 年間休日107日、月8日以上
107 days off per year, 8 or more days per month

Annual paid vacations (granted as required by law), special leave (congratulation or condolence leave, etc.)
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給年1回、賞与年2回
Salary increase once a year, bonus twice a year
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当、職務従事手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance, and duty allowance
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、受託航空会社提供航空券、宿泊施設・飲食店各種割引、語学スキル学習支援など
Uniform rental, airline tickets provided by consigned airlines, various discounts at accommodations and restaurants, support for learning language skills, etc.

Company housing for rent is available.
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening


Offer of Employment

Please note that it may take some time before an offer is made. Please understand that it may take some time before an offer is made.
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都), 中部国際空港(愛知県), 関西国際空港(大阪府)
Narita International Airport (Chiba) , Haneda Airport(Tokyo), Chubu International Airport (Aichi), Kansai International Airport (Osaka)


成田国際空港・羽田空港・関西国際空港/特殊車両整備士 ※経験者採用 / Narita International Airport・Haneda Airport・Kansai International Airport / Special Vehicle Mechanic *Hiring Experienced Mechanics more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category キャリア採用エントリー
Career Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 195,000円~350,000円+賞与年2回+各種手当※経験・スキルを考慮して決定

195,000 - 350,000 yen + bonus twice a year + various allowances *Determined based on experience and skills
雇用形態 / Employment Status 正社員
Full-time Employee
仕事の内容 / Job Description 《航空機地上支援機材の整備》
《Maintenance of aircraft ground support equipment》

Aircraft are surrounded by a variety of special vehicles, including those that tow the aircraft and those that carry cargo. The successful candidate will be responsible for the repair, maintenance and inspection of these special vehicles.

The successful candidate will communicate with mechanics and other staff members.

We are looking for an experienced mechanic to join our team.

(Second class auto mechanic is required)
応募資格 / Application Requirements ■必須

Second Class Automobile Mechanic


First Class Small Car Cechanic

Forklift Truck Operator

Vehicle Inspection Inspector
勤務時間 / Office (Business, Working) hours 1か月単位の変形労働時間制(週平均実働40時間以内)

Variable working hours system on a monthly basis (within 40 hours per week on average)
※Some weeks may fall on weekdays due to shift work.
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 月8日以上・年次有給休暇・特別休暇(慶弔休暇)・年間休日107日
At least 8 days per month, annual paid vacation, special leave (special leave for weddings and funerals), 107 days off per year
昇給・賞与 / Salary Increase and Bonuses 昇給あり・賞与年2回
Salary increase and bonus twice a year
手当 / Allowance 各種手当
Various Allowances
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 通勤手当(上限5万円)*車通勤可
Commuting allowance (up to 50,000 yen)
*Car commuting is allowed
社会保険 / Social Insurance 各種保険完備
Various types of insurance coverage
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening

Web-based aptitude test and web-based interview (1st and 2nd (face-to-face) may be conducted)

Offer of employment
勤務地 / Duty Station 成田国際空港(千葉県), 羽田空港(東京都),関西国際空港(大阪府)
Narita International Airport (Chiba), Haneda Airport(Tokyo), Kansai International Airport (Osaka)


【障がい者採用・パートタイマー】関西国際空港支店/ランプサービス課(航空機内清掃) more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category 障がい者採用エントリー
給与情報 / Salary Information 時給1,114円
1,114yen per hour
雇用形態/ Employment Status パート
Part timer
仕事の内容 / Job description 【航空機内の清掃】

3. 到着後、お客様が降機してから割り振られた分担の清掃。

【Cleaning in aircraft】
This is a job for a team of several people.
Clean the inside of the aircraft from the time the aircraft arrives at the airport until it departs.

1. Provide cleaning equipment.
2. wait on the tarmac for arriving aircraft. 3.
3. after arrival and after passengers have disembarked from the aircraft, clean the assigned areas of the aircraft.
*Cleaning areas include aisles, seats, tables, toilets, kitchen, and magazines.
*Even if you have no experience, you can learn from the assigned tasks one at a time, so please do not worry.
応募資格 / Application Requirements なし/None
勤務時間 / Working hours <シフト制>

4 to 6 hours between 09:00 and 19:00
*At least 4 days per week is expected.
Shift pattern examples: 09:00-13:00, 11:30-17:30, 15:00-19:00, etc.
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 月間休日8日以上
At least 8 days off per month
Depends on the shift
The number of paid days varies depending on work performance.
手当 / Allowance 時間外手当/Over time pay
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給/Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
*Insurance coverage varies depending on working hours and days worked.
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、ベネフィット・ワンなど
Uniform rental, Benefit One, etc.
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Documents Screening


Job Offer・Recruitment


【障がい者採用】本社 / 人事管理部アシスタント more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category 障がい者採用エントリー
給与情報 時給1,100円~1,300円
雇用形態 / Employment Status パート
Part-time (work)
仕事の内容 / Job Description 人事関連業務(労務関連)
応募資格 / Eligibility 事務経験1年以上
Microsoft Officeアプリケーション(Word, Excel)の使用経験
勤務時間 / Work Hours 9:00~17:00(休憩60分)
休日・休暇 / Holiday ・ Vacations 土日祝日
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当(上限50,000円)、時間外手当
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
勤務地 / Duty Station 本社(大阪府泉佐野市りんくう往来北)
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening

Web test (Japanese, arithmetic, English), Aptitude test

Interview (1-2 times)

Job Offer


【パートタイマー】成田国際空港/旅客サービス/ [Part Timer] Narita International Airport/Passenger Service more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category パートタイマー採用エントリー
Part timer Recruiting Entry
雇用形態 / Employment Status パート
Part timer
給与情報 / Salary Information 時給1,200円~
仕事の内容 / Job description <出発業務>

応募資格 / Application Requirements ・国際線旅客経験者優遇
勤務時間 / Working hours 6:00~23:00の間、週3日~
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 月8日以上
8 days a month or more
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance

*Insurance coverage varies depending on working hours and days worked.
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、ベネフィット・ワンなど
Uniform rental, Benefit One, etc
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening


Job Offer・Recruitment


【パートタイマー】成田国際空港/旅客サービス(チェックイン経験者)/ [Part Timer] Narita International Airport/Passenger Service (Check-in) more
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category パートタイマー採用エントリー
Part timer Recruiting Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 時給1,100円以上 ※経験・スキルを考慮して決定
1,100 yen per hour or more
*Determined based on experience and skills
雇用形態 / Employment Status パート
Part timer
仕事の内容 / Job description ・旅客ハンドリング業務
Passenger Handling Service
応募資格 / Application Requirements ・英語力(TOEIC600点以上)
English proficiency (TOEIC score of 600 or above)
勤務時間 / Working hours 06:00-22:00の間で4時間~(シフト制)
At least 4 hours between 06:00-22:00 (shifts)
3 days or more per week
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 月8日以上
8 days a month or more
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance

*Insurance coverage varies depending on working hours and days worked.
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、ベネフィット・ワンなど
Uniform rental, Benefit One, etc
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening


Job Offer・Recruitment


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