
採用情報 / Recruitment

採用情報 > 採用情報 > 採用情報 / Recruitment > 【パートタイマー】成田国際空港/特殊車両整備士※経験者採用・シニア応募歓迎 / [Part Timer] Narita International Airport / Special Vehicle Mechanic ※Experienced Employees and Senior Citizens are welcome to apply.
【パートタイマー】成田国際空港/特殊車両整備士※経験者採用・シニア応募歓迎 / [Part Timer] Narita International Airport / Special Vehicle Mechanic ※Experienced Employees and Senior Citizens are welcome to apply.
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category パートタイマー採用エントリー
Part-timer Recruiting Entry
給与情報 / Salary Information 時給1200円~1800円 ※経験を考慮します。
1200-1800 yen per hour *Experience will be considered
雇用形態 / Employment Status パート
仕事の内容 / Job description 《航空機地上支援機材の整備》
Maintenance of aircraft ground support equipment

Aircraft are surrounded by a variety of special vehicles, such as those that tow the aircraft and those that carry cargo. The successful candidate will be responsible for the repair, maintenance and inspection of these special vehicles.

The successful candidate will communicate with mechanics and other staff members.

The successful candidate will have experience in teaching mechanics.

The successful candidate will be able to work in a fast-paced environment with a strong work ethic.
(Second class auto mechanic is required)
応募資格 / Application Requirements ■必須
二級自動車整備士/Second Class Auto Mechanic

一級小型自動車整備士/First class small car mechanic
フォークリフト運転技能者/Forklift truck operator
勤務時間 / Working hours 9:00~18:00の間のシフト制。
Shifts between 9:00 and 18:00.
4 to 12 hours of actual work (negotiable)
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations シフトに準ずる。
Follows the shift.
昇給・賞与 / Salary increase and bonus 昇給:有(人事評価に基づく)  
Salary increase: Yes ("based on personnel evaluation")  
Bonus: Paid as a lump sum or as an allowance (based on performance)
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 通勤手当(上限5万円)*車通勤可
Commuting allowance (up to 50,000 yen)
※Car commuting is allowed
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
※Insurance coverage varies depending on working hours and days worked.
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、ベネフィット・ワンなど
Uniform rental, Benefit One, etc.
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Document Screening

Interview (Web Interview is allowed)

Job Offer



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