
採用情報 / Recruitment

採用情報 > 採用情報 > 採用情報 / Recruitment > 【パートタイマー】那覇空港支店/旅客サービス [Part Timer] Naha Airport Passenger Service
【パートタイマー】那覇空港支店/旅客サービス [Part Timer] Naha Airport Passenger Service
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category パートタイマー採用エントリー
Part timer Recruiting Entry
雇用形態 / Employment Status パート
Part Time
給与情報 / Salary Information 時給1,200円~
From 1,200yen/per hour
仕事の内容 / Job description 飛行機到着から出発までの旅客サービスをトータルで担当していただきます。
You will be responsible for total passenger service from airplane arrival to departure.
Specifically, the responsibilities include accepting check-in at the counter, checking travel documents and luggage, guiding passengers at boarding and arrival gates, and wheelchair assistance.
応募資格 / Application Requirements ◆経験者のみ!(国内線・国際線、経験年数問わず)
Only experienced candidates! (Domestic or international, regardless of years of experience)

TOEIC score of 500 or higher, N2 level or higher

Work-life balance is achievable!
勤務時間 / Working hours ◆6:00~21:30(実働4時間~12時間)シフト例
 6:00~15:00 /12:00~18:00/12:30~21:30 など

◆ 6:00 AM – 9:30 PM (Shift duration: 4 to 12 hours)
Example shifts:

6:00 AM – 3:00 PM
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
12:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Minimum shift: 2 hours or more (negotiable).
Workdays: 2–3 days per week are acceptable.
休日・休暇 / Holiday and Vacations 月8日以上
8 days a month or more
手当 / Allowance 通勤手当、時間外手当
Commuting allowance, overtime allowance
交通費 / Transportation Expenses 月額50,000円を上限として支給
Up to 50,000 yen per month
社会保険 / Social Insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・労災補償・雇用保険
Health insurance, employee pension, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance
*Insurance coverage varies depending on working hours and days worked.
福利厚生 / Benefits 制服貸与、ベネフィット・ワンなど
Uniform rental, Benefit One, etc.
選考の流れ / Selection Process 書類選考
Documents Screening


Job Offer・Recruitment



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